Ken-Tenn EMS, South Fulton Commission agendas announced

June 15, 2024

The Ken-Tenn EMS Board will meeting Tues., June 18, at 4 p.m. at South Fulton City Hall. The meeting is open to the public.

The following items are listed on the meeting's agenda: Call to Order; Roll Call; Old Business, (1) Review & Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes dated 05/21/2024, (2) City of Hickman Update, and (3) Hickman County Ambulance Update; New Business, (4) Review & Approval of May 2024 Financial Statement, (5) KTEMS Director’s Report, (6) KTEMS Office Manager Report, (7) CRS Inventory Engagement, (8) FYE 2024 Budget Amendment, and (9) FYE 2025 Budget Presentation; and Other Business, (10) Business by any other Directors, and (11) Annual meeting July 16, 2024 4 PM at Fulton City Hall.

The South Fulton City Commission will convene for regular monthly session Thurs., June 20 at 5 p.m. in the commission room of the South Fulton Municipal Complex, accessible by the rear parking lot entrance of the complex. The meeting is open to the public.

The following items are listed on the meeting’s agenda: 1. Call to order by Mayor; 2. Pledge of Allegiance; 3. Invocation; 4. Roll call; 5. Approval of minutes; 6. Review of May disbursements; 7. Approval of Financials; 8. Approval of Department Reports; 9. Communication from Mayor; 10. Report from City Manager; 11. Commissioners Comments, Questions, and Suggestions; 12. Old Business, A. Bulk Pickup; 13. New Business, A. Budget Amendment - Ordinance 2024-03 First reading, and B. Special Call Meeting June 27th at 5 p.m.; 14. Citizen Comments -Non- Agenda Items, A. Kent Greer – Streets paving; 15. Sign-In sheet for Question, Comments, and Suggestions Germane to the agenda; and 16. Adjournment.