March 07, 2025

The HIckman City Commission will meet Mon., March 10 at 5 p.m. in the Hickman City Hall Commission Room. The meeting is open to the public. The following items are listed on the meeting's agenda:
Invocation; Pledge of Allegiance; Call to Order; Roll Call; I. Approval of Minutes; II. Presentations/Public Comments;
Police Report; Public Works Report; III. New Business, a) Fire Department Application; b) Reappointment ofHickman Electric Board; c) Safety Handbook Approval; d) Employee Handbook Approval; e) Hire Matthew Hayes as full time Police Officer; f) Resolution for approval for Mayor to enter to sign service contract with Matthew Hayes; IV. City Manager’s Report; V. Executive Session, KRS 61.810(1)(f); VI. Adjournment
The Fulton City Commission will meet Mon., March 10 at 6 p.m. in the Fulton City Hall Commission Room. The meeting is open to the public. The following items are listed on the meeting's agenda:
The HIckman City Commission will meet Mon., March 10 at 5 p.m. in the Hickman City Hall Commission Room. The meeting is open to the public. The following items are listed on the meeting's agenda:
Invocation; Pledge of Allegiance; Call to Order; Roll Call; I. Approval of Minutes; II. Presentations/Public Comments;
Police Report; Public Works Report; III. New Business, a) Fire Department Application; b) Reappointment ofHickman Electric Board; c) Safety Handbook Approval; d) Employee Handbook Approval; e) Hire Matthew Hayes as full time Police Officer; f) Resolution for approval for Mayor to enter to sign service contract with Matthew Hayes; IV. City Manager’s Report; V. Executive Session, KRS 61.810(1)(f); VI. Adjournment
The Fulton City Commission will meet Mon., March 10 at 6 p.m. in the Fulton City Hall Commission Room. The meeting is open to the public. The following items are listed on the meeting's agenda:
• Invocation • Pledge of Allegiance • Roll Call; Remarks and Request from Visitors; City Attorney's Report; 1. Consider Municipal Order 2025-35, to approve the minutes of a regular meeting held on February 24, 2025; 2. Consider Municipal Order 2025-36, to accept the resignation of Bruce Atterberry; 3. Consider Municipal Order 2025-37, to accept the resignation of Colton Aldridge; 4. Consider Municipal Order 2025-38, to allow the Mayor to appoint Steven Lang to the Housing Authority Board; 5. Consider Municipal Order 2025-39, to adjourn into Executive Session following KRS 68.810 1 (f) Discussions or hearings which might lead to the appointment, discipline, or dismissal of an individual employee, member, or student without restricting that employee's, member's, or student's right to a public hearing if requested. This exception shall not be interpreted to permit discussion of general personnel matters in secret; Other Business: Police Department - Fire Department - Public Works Department - Code Enforcement; City Manager, City Attorney, Commissioners, Mayor
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