January 06, 2025

The City of South Fulton Planning and Zoning Board will meet in special called session on Thurs., Jan. 9 at 5 p.m. in the South Fulton Municipal Complex Commission Room. The meeting is open to the public.

The following items are listed on the meeting's agenda:

I. Pledge and Prayer II. Determination of Quorum, Call to order. III. Review/Approval of minutes. IV. Old Business.
a. 116 Oak Street, Owner, Titan Real Property, LLC - condemnation status check b. 505 College Street, D. Gray, LLC - condemnation status check c. 700 Enterprise Street. Owner, Ezell Johnson - condemnation status check d. 309 Broadway Street. Owner, Tonda Casey - condemnation status check e. 112 Taylor Street. Owner, Charles Cutwright - condemnation status check f. 415 Williams Street. Owner, Mr. Escobar - condemnation status check g. 510 E. Smith Street. Owner, Mr. Maldando - progress check. h. 703 East State Line. Owner. Mr. Kenneth Moore –
progress check V. New Business. a. 205 Williams Street. Church Of Christ Holiness. Owner Major Martin – discussion to start condemnation process b. 203 Williams Street. Owner Major Martin – discussion to start condemnation process. c. 224 Willow Drive. Owner Ricky Parker – discussion to start condemnation.
VI. Sign-In sheet for Question, Comments, and Suggestions Germane to the agenda. VII. Adjournment.
To speak about items germane to the agenda speakers may sign the sheet on the back bench, at the commission room's entrance. To speak on items not germane to the meeting's agenda, call the Public Works Department by the Friday before the meeting to get on the agenda. Speakers will be given three minutes to address the board.