Fulton County Amateur Radio Club Field Day June 22

June 12, 2024

The Fulton County Amateur Radio club will host their first ARRL Field Day on June 22 at the Fulton County Extension Office, 2114 S. 7th St., Hickman.

Field day is an amateur “Ham” Radio event that is held every year across North America in which operators set up portable radio equipment to test their abilities for emergency situations, demonstrate the hobby to the public and also allow them to talk on on the air, and have an informal competition amongst other clubs as well. The National Association for Amateur Radio in the U.S. has over 150,000 members and is one of the primary sources for information and support for radio amateurs with news, information, special events, educational classes, and materials for amateur radio operators.

But for one day a year over 35,000 of them come together via the air waves to promote the hobby and practice their skills via portable setups.

Amateur Radio has many different aspects, from digital communications using just a smartphone to the traditional radio setup therefore the hobby offers something for everyone.

Currently there are over 750,000 licensed amateur radio operators in the United States that range in age from as young as 6 to over 90 years old. Not many hobbies offer the freedom in both age range and activities as amateur radio. From talking to your neighbor down the road, making contact across the globe, competing in contests, to assisting with communication at a local community event, or as in the 2009 Ice Storm making contact with state emergency officials to let them know all communication and electricity were out and the only form of communications outside of the region was via amateur radio; amateur radio has countless uses.

Even as recent as the Memorial Day weekend storms, weather reports were relayed to the National Weather Service in Paducah of the wind damage and flooding by local operators.

The schedule of event for the Fulton County Amateur Radio Clubs are for June 22nd, 2024: 10 a.m., VE Testing Session for those looking at getting their license or upgrading their current license.; 12 p.m., Education Session; 1 p.m., ARRL Field Day Radio Contact begin; and 6 p.m., Wrap-up and take-down equipment.

The public is invited to stop by and see the radio equipment, learn about the hobby, and even make some contacts “On the Air” during this event. With questions, contact the organization via Facebook, Fulton Co KY Amateur Radio Club, or KO4LFZ@arrl.net.